Different currencies in a global world

World economic activity is present in international trade, directly influencing the development, welfare and economic growth of countries. This activity is done through the purchase and sale of products  and services, as well as with the commercialization  of financial  assets. Among the most important financial assets in the world are international currencies, which are basically the currencies  that belong  to a foreign  monetary  sovereignty  with respect  to a country  of origin. Currencies  have a quotation  in the financial  market  with respect  to others . The change  in its value may be due to several factors, among them we can mention , the political  and economic situation of a country, the changes in the policies stipulated by the monetary authority and the variations in the supply and demand of the currency.

Currency is an object that we have used for several centuries as a common exchange material. It is precisely characterized  by having an exchange  rate that allows us to generate transactions  and acquire various goods.

  1. History and evolution of currency
    One of the most important elements in our society is undoubtedly money because without it we can do nothing  today. The history  and evolution  of the currency  is an object that, being so small , dominates    the  markets   and  the  daily  life  of  all  people  . Therefore  , you  must  first understand why the human being was forced to create it.
  2. Factors causing different currencies to rise and fall
    Every day, more than 5 billion of foreign exchange is exchanged in the financial markets and it is a market   that  operates   continuously    for  24  hours   per  day  of  the  week  worldwide   ,and transactions   can  be made  using  different  mechanisms  . You  should  investigate   what  drives changes in this market and why are exchange rates between countries constantly changing.
  3. Research about the impact of exchange rate on the economy
    It is the exchange rate of one currency for another that explains at certain times why some countries export more than others or why imports of products and services are cheaper, which positively or negatively affects the balance of payments. You should do a research about the impact exchange rate has on economy and international trade.
  4. Pros and cons of countries implementing their own currencies
    Using someone else's currency means that you are subject to their policy decisions and that is one of the reasons why many countries want to have their own currency. Your task is to discuss and explore the pros and cons of doing it and if there are differences between large economies and small economies when it comes to this.
  1. History and evolution of currency

    The following links will help you understand why the human being was forced to create currencies, what are the most powerful currencies today and the history of the currency you use. Through a PP presentation or a poster present your research.


  2. Factors causing different currencies to rise and fall

    There are many factors that influence the exchange rate, such as interest rates, inflation, and/or the economy in each country. Use the links below in order to investigate what drives changes in the financial market and why are exchange rates between countries constantly changing. Use a diagram to present well your outcome about the factors causing the rise and fall of different currencies.


  3. Research about the impact of exchange rate on the economy

    Follow the links given in order to understand why some countries export more than others or why imports of products and services are cheaper. Give real life examples and get creative by showing it through a short theater show or a video.


  4. Pros and cons of countries implementing their own currencies

    For some countries it may be important to have their own currency because it provides the country the ability to simplify business and trade. If your country’s currency is strong against other world currencies it generally means your country can buy more things from other countries because it is worth more but other countries will buy less from you because it costs them more. If your currency is weak you can't afford to buy as much from other countries but they will buy more of what you sell because it's relatively cheaper for them. Use the links provided to write an article about the topic.


After complete this WebQuest, I can:

List different currencies
Reflect about the role of issuing currency in an economy
Describe the role of exchange rate
Outline the impact of the exchange rate on exports
Research about your currency history
Compile reasons why countries may want to have own currency
Analyse why currencies have different value
Identify how international exchange rates set
Showcase the major aspect of the history of your currency
Share with your family the information you got
Evaluate what you buy from different countries/currencies online
Evaluate what your family buys from different countries/currencies and why

*If you answered NO to more than half of the statements, you should go through WebQuest again and acquire more knowledge and skills if you answered YES to almost all questions; congratulations on your great success!

On more than one occasion you have probably heard that someone has traveled to the United States and that they have bought a product that has been cheaper than in Spain. This is not because the stores in the United States have discounts with respect to the rest to Spanish stores. Actually, what happens is that the dollar, is cheaper than the euro. This is what is called the exchange rate between currencies, but do you know what it is and how this value is calculated?

The purpose of this WebQuest is to raise awareness of the importance of exchange rate and different currencies not only in our own country but worldwide. It will help you become able to talk about  issues regarding exchange rate and explore currencies around the world and their power. You will also have the opportunity to discuss about various exchange rates and their importance in international trade.